Send Email in Batch and Attachments with Mailgun API using Python
1.Batch Sending With Mailgun API Step 1: create a mailing list in mailgun dashboard:
You can upload a csv file to bulk upload to create a mailing list Or add one recipient at a time to create a mailing list. Imagine you created a mailing list: [email protected]
How to proceed with coding: A. Send a general email without a custom greeting using Mailgun Mailing List import requests def batch_mailing(): requests.
Send sms with Twilio API using Python
Guideline Sign up for a Twilio account
Grab a free Twilio phone number
Grab credentials: account_sid and auth_token
Extract tabular data from PDF with Camelot
Install Dependencies Install Ghostscript:
mac OS: $brew install ghostscript
Windows: download ghostscript here
pip install Camelot
$pip install camelot-py[cv]