Host a static website in Heroku for FREE using Python Flask framework
Host a static website in Heroku for FREE using Python Flask framework
Part 1: Push your website live to Heroku
1.Follow Heroku Documention
-Download [Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)
-Download [Heroku CLI](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-python#set-up) (Command Line Interface)
2.Create a Heroku account
3.Create a project folder and organize the folder structure - in your Terminal / Command Line Prompt
$mkdir Website_Example
$cd Website_Example
$mkdir templates
so your folder structure will look like:
templates > index.html
4.Create a virtual environment and activate it
$pip install virtualenv
make a virtualenv called “venv”:
$virtualenv venv
activate this virtual env:
- macOS:
$source venv\bin\activate
- windows:
5.Init Git in project folder
$git init
6.pip install all required dependencies:
$pip install Flask
$pip install gunicorn
7.Create a Flask app/backend
$touch index.py
from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route("/") #www.domain.com - render homepage
def index():
return render_template("index.html")
if __name__ == "__main__":
8.Create a Procfile
$touch Procfile
make sure you capitalize the first letter and name the file WITHOUT any extension. in your Procfile, include:
web: gunicorn index:app
make sure you:
do NOT include any space between “index:” and “app” - “index” is the .py file where your Flask backend lives in and “app” is the variable name of the flask object that’s defined in index.py file.
include ONE space between “web:” and “gunicorn” -
9.Create a requirements.txt file
$pip freeze > requirements.txt
10.Push our app/website to Heroku
$heroku login
-your browser pops up asking you to log into your Heroku CLI
$heroku create
-create a new Heroku app randomly named by Heroku (you can pass a specific App name but it has to be uniquely available.)
$ git status
-track your file changes and locate the untracked files detected by git
$ git add .
-add all files to git staging area so that you can push files to Heroky in next steps
$ git commit -m"give your wished comments for app pushing"
-this is to commit all your changes
$ git push heroku master
-finally pushing your apps and files to Heroku server wait a few minutes and let Heroku do all the heavy liftings for you. After successfully deploying:
$heroku open
-open your app url and view it in your browser.
Part 2: Add a custom domain to your Heroku hosted app
Get a free domain
- Go to freenom to sign up an account
- Grab a free domain
Visit your hosted webste in Heroku
Log in Heroku and go to dashboard to visit the hosted app
Add custom domains in your app’s setting page.
Add Heroku DNS CNAME records to Freenom DNS console.
Head over to Freenom DNS Console
Point CNMAE records to Heroku-required records
Await a few minutes to see your website live @ yourwebsite.com