Build A Website Newsletter Subscription Form Using Python, Flask and Mailgun API
In this tutorial, we are covering how to implement your own website newsletter subscription form without using a third-party service like Google Forms, TypeForm, and Mail Chimp.
String Formatting with Python-f-String, and why you should start using it
So, What is String Formatting? String Formatting (sometimes also referred as “String Interpolation”) is a technique for embedding or inserting variables into placeholders in a Python String object. Three ways to format a String in Python: 1. Old school %s String Formatting 2. A better string formatting: String.format() 3. f”string” method - why it’s the best for String formatting in Python compared to .format() and %s name = "Frank" age = 24 profession = "Python Dev" language = "Python" person = dict(name="Frank", age=24, profession="Python Dev", language="Python") 1.
Make a QR Code generator (with data store function) with Python
Make a QR Code generator (with data store function) with Python Some features of this Python App: 1. Read any csv files and save each row as a small single dataset into the QR Code 2. Generate these QR Code images with data saved in 3. QR Code images should be readable by a QR Code scanner (e.g. a mobile device.) Dependencies to install (Some of them you might not happen to use): Django==2.