Recent Tutorials
Build A Website Newsletter Subscription Form Using Python, Flask and Mailgun API
In this tutorial, we are covering how to implement your own website newsletter subscription form without using a third-party service like Google Forms, TypeForm, and Mail Chimp.
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String Formatting with Python-f-String, and why you should start using it
So, What is String Formatting? String Formatting (sometimes also referred as “String Interpolation”) is a technique for embedding or inserting variables into placeholders in a Python String object. Three ways to format a String in Python: 1. Old school %s String Formatting 2. A better string formatting: String.format() 3. f”string” method - why it’s the best for String formatting in Python compared to .format() and %s name = "Frank" age = 24 profession = "Python Dev" language = "Python" person = dict(name="Frank", age=24, profession="Python Dev", language="Python") 1.
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Make a QR Code generator (with data store function) with Python
Make a QR Code generator (with data store function) with Python Some features of this Python App: 1. Read any csv files and save each row as a small single dataset into the QR Code 2. Generate these QR Code images with data saved in 3. QR Code images should be readable by a QR Code scanner (e.g. a mobile device.) Dependencies to install (Some of them you might not happen to use): Django==2.
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Build a cloud based weather SMS service using Python, Twilio and PythonAnywhere with Open Weather API
Build a cloud based weather SMS service using Python, Twilio and PythonAnywhere Have you always been forgetful about checking the weather before going outdoors and got really washed out by the rainy days? In this tutorial, I’m sharing with you how to build a cloud-based weather SMS service that runs as scheduled to message you about the weather determining if you need an umbrella or not during the day. Prerequisites 1.
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Natural Language Processing and sentiment analysis with TextBlob: a Python NLP library
What is NLP(Natural Language Processing)? Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of computer science, information engineering, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. (Wikepedia) Dependency to install: $ pip install textblob
Some features of TextBlob: Noun Phrase Extraction Sentiment Analysis Tokenization Words Lemmatization Spell Check Translation # NLP_and_Sentiment_Analysis_With_TextBlob
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Host static websites with Netlify
Prerequisites Sign Up a GitHub Account
Sign up a Netlify Account or log in with your GitHub Account
Install Git in your local machine.
How it works?
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Send Email in Batch and Attachments with Mailgun API using Python
1.Batch Sending With Mailgun API Step 1: create a mailing list in mailgun dashboard:
You can upload a csv file to bulk upload to create a mailing list Or add one recipient at a time to create a mailing list. Imagine you created a mailing list: [email protected]
How to proceed with coding: A. Send a general email without a custom greeting using Mailgun Mailing List import requests def batch_mailing(): requests.
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Send sms with Twilio API using Python
Guideline Sign up for a Twilio account
Grab a free Twilio phone number
Grab credentials: account_sid and auth_token
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Extract tabular data from PDF with Camelot
Install Dependencies Install Ghostscript:
mac OS: $brew install ghostscript
Windows: download ghostscript here
pip install Camelot
$pip install camelot-py[cv]
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Host a static website in Heroku for FREE using Python Flask framework
Host a static website in Heroku for FREE using Python Flask framework Guideline: Part 1: Push your website live to Heroku 1.Follow Heroku Documention -Download [Git]( -Download [Heroku CLI]( (Command Line Interface) 2.Create a Heroku account 3.Create a project folder and organize the folder structure - in your Terminal / Command Line Prompt $mkdir Website_Example
$cd Website_Example
$mkdir templates
so your folder structure will look like:
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